Once for Venezuelan President Hugo chavez to treat the surgeon Salvador Navarrete in 16 by Mexico the Milenio Semanal magazine interview, Mr Chavez said on the tumor found no hope to get the disease, in the successful treatment under the diagnosis, the patient may live no more than two years. retro jordan shoes store,"I want to, to Mr Chavez health condition of the prediction is not very good, and I say this means he survive two years." The varese, not to Mr Chavez health optimistic. The varese, was since 2002 to Mr Chavez for treatment of private doctors. He said: "according to Mr Chavez family revealed to me, Mr Chavez's tumor, information or sarcoma is located in the pelvis, so in so far he so aggressive chemical therapy."
The varese, on the day of the interview, Mr Chavez is released set out to the Cuban examined again. Chavez previously stated, his body is improving. According to him, said four months ago his health is very serious. "Thank god, I'm still in good condition, safe, and stand up." Mr Chavez said. cheap jordan shoes,The varese, venezuela, said President next year ahead of time, because the two months the prospect of Mr Chavez treatment is not optimistic.
Hugo chavez is 53 of any incumbent venezuela President. As the bolivarian revolution leaders, Mr Chavez advocate for his "21 st century socialism" ideal, Latin America, and what he called "the integration of anti-imperialism. In addition, he also strongly criticized the new liberalism of globalization and U.S. foreign policy. More than half of the Venezuelan people think that check this saved the poverty population d, but many people argue that he is more and more turn to dictatorship, and misled the economic development. Some foreign government then see a check for global oil prices this dimension and regional stability of the threat, but some are quite welcome his bilateral trade and mutual assistance agreement. Chavez's personality in venezuela and foreign are controversial.cheap jordan shoes, Critics claimed Mr Chavez is a dangerous militarists and authoritarian revolutionaries, and his critics of the development of democracy in venezuela endangered. U.S. President George Bush described the democratic state venezuela has "near death" and "no ruling power balance and dispersed", claimed that Mr Chavez "betrayed venezuela of voters," "suppressed democratic discussion environment", "in the democratic political action against external support" and firmly "attack venezuela democracy".