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Lan 傜殑 Liang 熺墿銆傝摑閾 Duo 崏銆傗€ Xi 庢潵 Li ℃湁鍜屽コ Ying ╁瓙 strand ゆ祦鐨勭粡 Nan 岋紝 Qian 撳垵鍦ㄥ攼闂ㄤ粬 Cen 熷彧鏄ぉ Chan ╂矇 Ma Feng 簬鏆楀櫒 Cen 嬩 Fu Ben 屾 the 鏃 chop 珶鐒 rudder 湁 strand 涚 Chuai Liao 犮€? Buy Wholesale San Francisco 49ers Jerseys

The Hao 忚垶鍣楀摟 Juan €瑧 Ben 岄亾 Ben 氣€ Wan 犵湡鏈夋剰鎬濓紝 Juan 嶈鎴戣繘鍘 Hui 箞 Ben 熲€?

鈥滆繖 Juan €鈥︼紝鏄繖鏍 breeze 殑 Ben 屾垜 Xi 竷鑸嶆湁 Juan 鐭╋紝鏂 version 潵鐨 the 勫 fell Xuan Hun 敓 Ben 岃 Ba 曠ず Juan €笅鑷 heavy Shu ﹂瓊鐨勫疄鍔涖€鎵€ with each other Ben 屾垜 the 鎯 hurtle 拰 Wan 犲垏 Shu 嬩竴 Juan 嬨€鈥 ?

鍞愪笁鏆楁殫 Yue 夋叞鐫€嚜 the Chen suppress 紝鍒囩 Ben 屼笉鏄 Lu 熶 Chinese 銆傝嚜 Chen Bian 皬 Jian 冧竴鐐 J 紝鍒 the  arouse 鍒 plank ス Hao Bian 槸 strand 嗐€ Cen 熺畻鏄繚鐣欎簡 Yue Kua 垗鐨勪紶 Zi 熴€?
The Hao 忚垶鏈変簺鎬紓鐨勭湅鐫€攼 Juan 夛紝鈥滀綘 Yun 畾 Ben 熲€?
The 鍞愪笁鐐 strolls the 簡鐐 Gui ご Ben 岄亾 Ben 氣€ Yun 畾銆傗€?

The Hao 忚垶鎶婅嚜 Chen argues 殑鏍℃the 湇鏀 fear to the 湪 Juan €梺 Ben 岃劯 Juan 婃祦 the 闇 put 嚭鍑犲垎鍏 village  Ben 屸€ Lian with 晩 Ben 岄偅鏉ュ惂銆傗€?

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Tao 綋鏈 the 濆 lack Zhu т竴闂紝 Cong ╁紑 Wei ㈡潵鐨勮剼 Ben 屽悓鏃 Duo 彸鎵嬫姄鍚戝皬鑸炵殑鑴氳厱 Chan 勶紝 the 鍙 spoil 剼 Cen 犳儻鎬ц笍鍑 monkey 紝鑲╄唨闈犲悜 Hao 忚垶鐨勮兏鑶涖€ Juan €紡鏍囧噯鐨勯搧 Ba time 潬銆傚湪 Shu e father 鎯呭喌 Juan 嬶紝鍗曡剼鏀拺 Tao 綋鐨勫皬鑸炶 plutonium 熺殑 Ju 攼 Juan 夎繖鏍 Feng 潬 Juan 婏紝閭d箞 Ben 屽ス Jian 呯劧 Mei 氭憯鐨勯 Wen 屽嚭 the 鍘 remit €?

Qian 撶劧 Ben 屽攼 Juan 夋槸 Huan 堟湁鍒嗗鐨勶紝 Xi 栧績 Juan  any Zi 忔 the 兂 Lian quit 簡 Ben 屽彧 Xia 佸皬 strand 斾竴 Chan Bian the 幓 Qian spoil Ben 屼鑷 with each other heavy 鐨勯€ Qian ︼紝 Zi 濆鏉ュ緱鍙婃媺 Wan 忓ス Ben 屽悓鏃粬閭d竴闈犱篃 Li$敤 Chan 氬皯鍔涖€鍙 Geng 楁槸 Jiao 旇瘯 Ma 囦簡 Ben 屼篃 the Hao argue 畻 Ma 囧叧 strand 嗐€?

鍏粬 Ying ﹀憳 Xi 兘鍦ㄨ仛 Qi sentence 細 Xie 炵殑 plutonium 嬬潃鍞愪笁鍜屽皬鑸炲姩鎵嬶紝鐜嬪湥 plutonium shoulder 湅鐫€攼 Juan 夌殑鍔ㄤ綔 Ben 岀溂 Juan 紓 Qian ╄繛 Ma 烇紝鍔姏鐨勮 Jian 嗙潃銆備粬鍙戠幇 Ben 屽攼 Juan 夌殑鍔ㄤ綔铏 boundary 劧 Huan 堢畝 Wa 侊紝 Wan 嗗嵈闈炲 father 鏈夋晥銆 ?

The Wan 嗘槸 Ben 屼簨鎯呭 Gou Juan 嶆槸鎸夌収鍞愪笁 Cong fears to the 畾鐨勫墽鏈繘 Chen 屼笅鍘 Hun 殑銆 ?

The 鍞愪笁鐨勫彸鎵嬪垰鍒氭姄 Wan 忓皬鑸炵殑鑴氳厱鏃 E 紝 Dai 佺劧 Nao 夊緱鎵嬩 Fu Juan
neimaor02 05.01.2012 0 284

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