鏃 Duo € Ben 岃繖 Juan 笘鐣岋紝 the 鍩 dry 湰 Hao plait egg the 鍒 issue the 簡 Hao the 屽綋 the Juan 変 the Fu 鏆 the 楅粦 the 鐮 village the 潖 Xie the 炲彂 the 鍔ㄧ the 粓鏋 the 佹瘉 with ご Ben 鐏妧鑳 catty 紝鎶婅嚜 the Chen become 鍙婃 with each other 暣 Juan 笘鐣屽悓鏃 rudder 瘉鐏殑 Xuan 濓紝 Ma 欎 Fu Juan 栫晫 Hao the Bian hand over Qian 曠殑 Dang ╂簝 strand 嗭紝鍥炲埌鏈€師 Pu 嬬殑 Qian ㈡€ Ben 岄偅鏍 breeze 殑 Xuan 濓紝鍖呮嫭鍏悆 Cen 嬪矝 Juan 婄殑 strand monkey 紝 the 閮 lend Juan €懡鍛滃懠銆 ?
Brent Seabrook Jerseys銆€€鐚涚殑鍜 Chuai strand 嗙墮 Ta Kuang 紝鎴戠幇鍦ㄨ鍋氱殑 Ben 屽 ammonia 鏄叏鍔涢樆 Shu ㈣繖鏍 breeze 殑 strand 嬫儏鍙戠敓 Ben 岃繖 Juan 笘鐣屼笂 Ben 屾湁 Chan 鎴戞棤 Ping 曞壊鑸嶇殑 strand monkey 紝鎴戜笉鑳 with ammonia Ma 欎箞 plutonium 嬬潃 Xi the 栦 slip Ju 伃 strand ★紒
銆€€鐒︽€鐨勭湅鐫€€ Chan ╂墍 Ba 炵 book the 鑻 argue 殑鍏ㄩ€鎾ら€ Ben 屽 Kao 鐒 Duo €鈥 ^竴闃 indigo 墽鐑堢 the 殑鑳 lie 噺 Ping ㈠姩 Mei 犱簡 Ma 囨潵 Ben 屾暣 Juan 笘鐣岄兘 Chui ゆ姈 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ紝 Chan у湴 Mei 傚紑 strand 嗕竴閬撻亾鍑犲崄 the Ling hurtle 鐨勮 Ke 濓紝鎴 Kua 眿 Wu Hong the 瓚 tie up fierce 鍊 of breeze 掑 Ben 屾棤鏁 version 鏃犻槻 Chan 囩殑 strand monkey 紝 Mao 嬪埢鎯ㄥ彨鐫€穼鍏ヤ簡鏃犲簳鐨勮 Ke 濅箣 Juan €?
銆€€ Nan 囩劧鍥炲ご鍚戜笁 Juan 殫 Zhen 戠牬鍧忕鐨勬柟鍚戠湅鍘紝鎴戠煡閬撯€鈥 ^粬 Xi 粓 strand 庢墦鍑 Hong 伀 Pin 旀潵 strand 嗭紝鎴樻枟 Chen Chi 粡鍗囩 Hai 鍒 version 嫑鐗屾垬鎶€鍐 Chong 殑 Fu the 嬪 harm strand 嗭 ?
The 銆€€ Qi companion 殕 Ben 佽 oar 闅嗭紒鍝у暒鈥︹€?
銆€€闅嗛殕鐨勯 The 浄 Dan issue Fu Ben 屽ぉ the Chu bomb Fu Ma 呴€鐨勫竷 Biao ′簡 Cen 屼簯 Ben 屼竾鍗冮亾闂數 Ben 岄摵 Chan ╃洊 the 鍦 dress up as 殑鐙傞棯 strand 嗚 Dao 鏉ワ紝 Juan €壇 Juan 栫晫鏈棩鐨勬櫙 Pu ★紝 Cong ╂墍鏈変 Chinese 鐨勫唴 Jian 冮兘 Juan €墖鎭愭儳銆 ?
The 銆€€鍛溾€鈥 ?
銆€€ Juan €亾閿愬埄鐨勫懠鍟 draft 0 Juan 紝鎴戦獓鐒 rudder 湞 Tao 悗鐨勬柟鍚戠湅鍘紝 Juan €亾鏃犲 warship 鐨勫啿 the 鍑 draw to taste Ben 岀 寷鐨勪粠 Ma 滃鑲嗚檺鑰屾潵 Ben 屽啿 the 鍑 draw to taste Ma 囧 Ben 屾€ the 鎶 argue 矖 Zi 嗙殑 Chen ㄦ爲 Ben 屾暣 Ta 愮殑 Luo Hong 潃 the 鍐 put 嚮 Ping ㈢殑鏂 Gui 悜鍊掍簡 Juan 嬪幓 Ben 屽嚑 Cen 庝笌鍦 companion 潰 Yue 屽叏鐨 the 勮 create 鍚堝湪 Juan € Dao Ben 屼 Gong the 鐭 take out Jing 呬 Fu Ben 屼笘鐣屼竴鐗囨 dealer Cen then €?
The 銆€€鍡栵紒鍡栵紒鍡栤€鈥 ?
銆€€ Juan €墖 Xuan ″紓鐨勫 0 鍝嶄 Fu Ben 岄殢鐫€ the 啿鍑 draw to taste 鑲嗚 檺鑰岃繃 Ben 屾墍鏈夌殑鎴 Kua 眿閮 with € Sui 屼簡 Ben 岀 the 獊鍑 coax 湴闈㈢殑鎵€湁 Wu Hong 瓚鍏ㄩ儴 Ju 懅 Jiao 侊紝 Juan €椂 the 闂 reach 紝鎵€湁鐨勪 man 閮 with 實鍖愬湪鍦 companion 潰 Juan 婏紝鑴 song 壊鑻嶇櫧鐨勭湅鐫€啿 the 鍑 draw to taste Mei 犳潵鐨勬柟鍚戙€?
The 銆€€ Juan 庢鍚屾椂 Ben 岄殢鐫€啿鍑 draws to taste 鐨勬 帬 Ma 囷紝閭d簺 Liao 洸鍒 Ban 瀬闄愶紝鍏呮 Hu