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Black Sea parliamentary assembly meeting concludes
BELGRADE mbt schuhe test, June 3 (Xinhua) -- The 35th General Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation ( PABSEC) was concluded in Belgrade on Thursday, where 140 parliamentarians from 12 countries discussed issues ranging from international law to women's rights, reported the Serbian news agency Tanjug. The PABSEC is a forum for cooperation of the parliaments of the wider Black Sea region with a stated mission of promoting and developing mutual cooperation toward a favorable political and economic climate in the region. Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Djukic Dejanovic told participants that she hoped that through direct contact parliamentary representatives in the spirit of friendship and cooperation could "realize concrete initiatives." She also underscored the fundamental goals of the PABSEC: the promotion of democratic values timberland sale uk, the rule of law and a market economy. According to Djukic Dejanovic, the most important issue discussed by parliamentarians during three days of discussions was the protection of women against violence, adding that the Serbian Parliament intended to continue the debate through a public hearing on the subject. Black Sea Economic Cooperation member states are Azerbaijan true religion store, Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia Moncler butikk, Greece, Armenia, Moldova moncler jackets on sale, Romania ugg boots store, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Serbia. The countries have a total population of over 300 million. The next general assembly meeting will be conducted in Istanbul in the autumn.about:
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