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Air Jordan 6 方祁和李彬正面面相觑
 “何止是有点,我觉得三弟妹刚刚唱的,根本就是唱出了那隐士的心声,唱出了一幅世外桃源。真正的世外桃源,便是她歌中所唱闲散生活,灭除是非心,消落忧喜意。知足方能常乐,这样一份心境,也就只有三弟妹这样随性的性子才能唱出真意来,Air Jordan 6。”李杏突然开腔,还来一篇毫不做作、满脸诚挚的夸奖,让白笑笑受宠若惊得有点过分。 "What is a little bit, I feel three sisters-in-law just sang of, the root is to sing the true feelings of that recluse scholar, sang an utopia.Real utopia, would be her song in the free life sung, put out in addition to right and wrong heart, eliminate to fall a sorrow pleased idea.Being contented then can be often happy, such a mood, also only three sisters-in-law so then the degage temperament can sing a content."Li Xing suddenly says a word and returns to a milli- without affectation, full face sincerity of cry up, let the white smile to be overwhelmed by special favor have a little excessively.   那边莫寻非也表示同意地点了点头,“这首曲子如碧海珊瑚,很是清新。不过,光有此曲却也不够,三嫂的声音的确有些特别,诚如大哥所说的,真正唱出了这首曲子的韵味。” Don't there and not look for don't also express consent a location to nod, "this song such as blue sea the coral is very delightfully fresh.However, only there is this song also not enough, three sisters-in-law's voices really have some specially, as what eldest brother says, truely sang the lingering charm of this song."   白笑笑这次有点不自在了,虽然被莫寻非称赞,Jordan 12 Retro,被他给出这么高的评价,她很高兴雀跃,可他们说得能是真的吗? The white smiles to have a little this time uneasiness, although drive don't look for not praise,Air Jordan 4, drive he give high evaluation, she is very happy to jump like sparrows, can they say can is true?   可能是真的吗?!他们两这么说无非是想让自己不那么难堪吧,可用得着把自己唱得那首曲不成曲,调不成调的歌吹得那样天花乱坠么? May be true?!They two say so to nothing but want to make they not so embarrassed, can use wear to sing oneself that song doesn't become a song and adjust not to become the song adjusting to blow so does the smallpox fall to indiscriminately?   她扫了车内其他人一眼,方祁和李彬正面面相觑,Jordan 9 Retro,显然也跟自己抱有相同的想法,李杏和莫寻非太言过其实了,可又偏偏说得那样真诚,好像他们心底真的是这样认为似的。 She swept others inside the car one eye, square Qi and Li Bin positive face reading Qu, obviously also embrace and has same viewpoint with oneself, Li Xing and don't look for not- too exaggerated, can again it happened that say so sincerity, seem they the heart bottom really think like this.   方吟显然对李杏颇为信服,听了两人的评价,也忍不住回味起白笑笑刚才唱得曲子,她不像李彬和方祁是以貌取人的典型,虽然白笑笑唱得的确一般,虽然李杏和莫寻非的夸赞有点夸大,但她的声音里的确有一种不一样的感觉,就像是历经了沧桑的隐士恬淡地唱着属于她一个人的歌,Air Jordan 3,不关其他人的事。 Square sing to obviously very believe to take to Li Xing, listenned to 2 people's evaluation, also cannot helped but starting to enjoy in retrospect white to smile to just sing song, she is different from Li Bin and square the Qi is the typical model for judging people solely by their appearance, although white smile to sing really generally, although Li Xing and don't look for not of the Kua is great to have a little exaggerative, her really have a kind of different felling in voice, is like the recluse scholar that experienced successively a vicissitudes of life to indifferently sing to belong to her a person's song, don't close the business of others.   “这词是三表嫂自己填的吗?开头一句话现在回味起来,也很是动人。这个调子也闻所未闻,明明是最普通的调子,可不知为何组合起来,竟很是别致的。”方吟把头扭向白笑笑,对她的回答很有几分期待。 "Is this phrase three sister-in-law Biaos to fill by himself/herself?Beginning a words enjoy in retrospect now, also very moving.This adjusted son to also smell don't smell, clearly is to adjust son most commonly, don't know why the set put together, unexpectedly very unique."The square sings to twist head to smile to the white and has much of several cents to her answer to expect.   “这个……我也不知道是谁填的。无意中听别人唱的吧。”白笑笑脑袋转了一圈,愣是没想起任何有关此曲的记忆。估计是从哪个下人那儿听到的,哼哼唱唱的也就记下了吧。 "This ……I don't know as well is who fill.The not intentional pleasing to listener other people sing of."The white smiled head to become a turn of, the Leng didn't think of any memory concerning this song.Estimate which next person hear there, hum to sing of also stuck down.   --------------- -   车子行了好远,有了方吟和白笑笑两个人相伴,车子里头的男子们心情都同外边的天一样晴朗无云。 The car went well far, the square sings and white smile two individual concomitant, the men moodses of car inside all together the sky of outside is similar and clear have no cloud.   李彬撩起车帘往外头张望,兴奋地用胳膊肘碰了碰方吟,“嘿,吟妹,咱们要不在这里下车吧?从前边过去有个山洞,里头有石钟乳,打着火把进去看,别有风味!” Li Bin lifts car Lian to look about toward outside and excitedly touched to touch a square to sing with the arm elbow, "Hey, sing a younger sister, we don't here want to get off?Formerly side in the past had a cave, the inside contained stalactite and beat catch fire went in see, have a distinctive flavour!"   方吟眼里放了点光彩,正要说话,方祁已经咳嗽了一声,“行了,方吟,你还真当是过来游山玩水的么!” The square sang to put point brilliance in eye and about to spoke words, square the Qi have already coughed a , "go, the square sings, you are still true be is come over to visit mountain to play aqueous!"   方吟吐了吐舌头,但笑不说话。只是这兄妹俩的对话,倒是让其他人有些丈二金刚摸不着头脑。方祁也不卖关子,开门见山对李杏道:“大表哥,我和方吟这次来,明着是替老太君祝寿, The square sang to vomit to stick out tongue, but smiled not to talk.Just this both the brother and sister dialogue, pour is let others some Zhangs two golds just could not touched brains.The square Qi doesn't hold in suspense as well and come straight to the point to Li Xing Dao:"Big cousin, I and square sing this time, clear wear is for old too the gentleman wish a life, The subsequent phrases maybe helpful:
xfulgj61 27.11.2011 0 554

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