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for understanding some of warcraft world must grasp the concept:
warcraft universe is composed of numerous
the world and the world are called the twisting nether by the death of areas connected to the twisting nether of
the world was full of the devil figure (including the terrible Burning Legion Burning Legion, and the immortality of the family Undead)
Guardian Guardians (the body for this life, we know little about) to away from the Twisting Nether, the Azeroth established tirisfal civilization.
after that had about 1000, the guardian of civilization passed into the hands of their descendants
Warcraft directory
ancient history
Warcraft I - human and orc
Warcraft II-II-Kuroshio
Warcraft World of Warcraft Hellgate
Adventures - Clan of the King
magic animal hegemony
Warcraft III-Reign of Chaos Ancient History
-9420 ancient elves on Azeroth race start activities on the continent in the adjacent kalimdor establish a complete social system. Unfortunately, however, things finally happened in the experiment are not yet ripe for magic, they do not accidentally terrible lure the Burning Legion to Azeroth. do not know what led the Burning Legion lost their their homes, but that the pain free homeland deepened their desire for a harmonious life from them into the Azeroth one moment, the smoke of war had been hovering in the quiet sky, which protracted war almost destroyed the market for nearly half the land of Kalimdor, and eventually led to its sinking into the vast sea. alone can not resist as the Burning Legion, the ancient elves family summoned great dragon in order to bring the Burning Legion forced back to Twisting Nether.Alexstraza, Nozdormu, Malygros, and Ysera (which is attracted five dragon in 4) In order to defeat the Burning Legion, the use of magic created a powerful demon soul perhaps Deathwing (Article dragon) than the other four dragon more powerful reason, he did not use this way to join the fight. Since then, elves family in order to prevent the advent of the Burning Legion once again, vowed never to use any magic.
-5420 in the ancient elves differences emerged within the family, because some people do not want to give up the right to use magic. Ultimately, the ancient elves family divided into two groups, one on warcraft3 appear Night Elves (Night Elves, they are willing to abandon the use of magic by the wizard component), the other group is the high elves (high elves, they do not want to abandon the use of magic by the wizard component) due to fear of another attack Legion, Night Elves race deported to put the high elves race across the ocean, which is east of the world . high elves in the north of lordaeron family Quel''thalas discovered the existence of a family in the high elves and trolls fighting between clan which started from.
-2320 arathor established in lordaeron human dynasty.
-2120 high elves and trolls of their family to continue the battle between the family, but soon they went to the edge of defeat in despair, they seek to help the human arathor dynasty in exchange, high elves family promise after the war to teach the human magic to them. high elves and human race form a strong alliance quickly defeated the trolls in Quel''thalas the main force.
-2020 in the human ability to get the magic, the wonder of they can not wait These magic began to experiment. Unfortunately, things once again come to the areroth the mainland, the Burning Legion's sake and because the magic back! to the human from the Burning Legion the terrible destructive force in the rescue, Guardians (Chinese meaning as guardian, As mentioned earlier, we know much about this race, for us, they like is a mystery) in Azeroth on the establishment of a secret society trisfal, the purpose is to accumulate the power to seeking the ultimate defeat the Burning Legion.
-620 increasingly fierce due to internal strife, human arathor dynasty split into seven countries: Azeroth, Lordaeron, Stromgarde, Kul Tiras, Gilneas, Dalaran,Adidas JS Wings 2.0, and Alterac < br> -440 aegwyn born, and soon became the guardian of Azeroth (Guardian).
535 in a one on one battle, guardian aegwyn defeated the Burning Legion's leader sargeras, and the he was imprisoned in the open sea in a dead tomb.
540 in their leader is defeated, the Burning Legion's invasion of thought of a new program they use a mysterious power corrupted Orcs of Draenor family (Orcs ) of the soul, turning them into a group of blood-thirsty of the Berserker.
545 in order to obtain control of the mainland of draenor, Orcs began to massacre draenei race, in the killing of the spotless, the Orcs begin a bloody of cannibalism.
born in the same year Gul''dan draenor continent.
547 Anduin Lother was born in Azeroth.
555 monks Ner''zhul the Orcs under the supervision of Gul''dan started to show his talent in a magical aspect. Gul''dan perhaps it is too good, Ner''zhul not help but began to envy his outstanding talent. Gul''dan in order to get the power, he put them two souls tied together, so let him Gul''dan every move is monitored.
559 Guardian Aegwyn (note, she is a woman) felt his death approaching, in order to ensure Aezroth continental peace and quiet, she began to find a suitable man to back her man to defend his children (her children after her death would become the new guardian of Azeroth). finally she chose Nielas Aran (Azeroth an outstanding court magician) to make her child's adoptive father in Aegwyn all his knowledge and power to impart to their children Medich passed away soon after.
564 King Wrynn III and Queen Varia in that year gave birth to a cute little Prince Llane.
565 Gul''dan found in the Twisting Nether year existence, and in this beginning of the year in the monitoring of the Daemon Kil''jaeden the next.
570 Gul''dan set up a shadow formed by the Orc Warlocks Parliament, and Parliament to rely on the secret behind the manipulation of Orcs (Orc Horde) all matters.
and successfully pre-empt the Orcs internal division and strife.
571 in Medivh's 12 birthday, he suddenly lost control and powerful, he himself fell into a coma and was taken for treatment at the North's Abbey at this critical juncture , the leader of the Burning Legion by Sargeras coma Medivh occasion, he had noble corrosion soul.
577 in the 13-year-old Prince Llane birthday, Medivh suddenly appeared in front of everybody. In the past, he is only a Mao Haizi, has now grown up.
to thank the man (he was ill, has been by human care in him), he gave a beautiful magic Llane when Prince Cup (at that time timing tool). and Prince promised a solemn promise: as long as the cup not empty out, then the rule of King Wrynn's strong will never fall in Azeroth in the central mountains, Medivh built a huge tower, and soon he began the study of witchcraft, he finally learned how to rely on the strength of the soul into the mystery of Twisting Nether, the frightening thing is, where he was surprised to see the Orcs of the Warlocks.
580 Gul ' 'dan''s disciples (warlocks) Medivh began to feel the presence of a powerful force soon, Gul''dan''s start looking for another feel the magic power of this organization: Kil''jaeden Parliament soon in This year, Medivh and Gul''dan made first contact in several meetings by the following, Medivh promised to give a new territory and Orcs gave Gul''dan near the power of God, in exchange for Orcs must destroy humanity,Womens Adidas JS Wings 2.0 Li Song Bo! (at this time, Medivh fact completely controlled by the Sargera's) long, Medivh opened the connection Azeroth and Draenor two mainland channels, later known as the Dark Portal.
583 Medivh began to learn a variety of Azeroth energy crops began to wither, people began to began to become restless and vulnerable in a historic night, the magic is still when the cup of sand inside the flow slowly as usual bottom of the cup, but the Orcs, but at this time the soldiers quietly began their attack on the human soon, they broke through the front door of the castle of mankind. King Wrynn in the Prince Llane and Queen Varia hid a secret place of safety when no longer any audio. Ultimately, Orcs, or was repulsed, and disappeared in the dark swamp. Orcs in the connection back to their temporary base near the Dark Portal,Adidas Bounce S 2006 Add a comment, I do not know why, immediately began to quarrel population spread. two has a noble position in the orc chieftain Kilrogg Deadeye and Ogre Cho''gall began losing the war and because of accusations of other soldiers began to quarrel and to follow them into two groups. At the same time, the Shadow Council is a heated debate whether to close the Dark Portal, the internal motivation for such a battle they seem powerless. Gul''dan aware of the need for a more powerful orc leader. Soon, he met a nickname called Blackhand the Destroyer orc soldiers and to his foundation to build a puppet government. Not surprisingly, this blackhand soon for Gul''dan under the full control.
584 in this year Garona was born at the same time, Llane of Azeroth to become a new generation of rulers. Orcs and humans fighting never stopped.
594 in dreamland, Llane has been received from Therefore Aegwyn warning, be careful to remind him of her own son: Medivh. Prior to this, Aegwyn already aware of the existence in the hearts of her son, an evil force trying to destroy the whole of Azeroth in a burst of intense magical confrontation, Medivh successfully prevented its dead mother Aegwyn monitoring of his heart. powerless Aegwyn can only remind the prince of the best in his power to become sons of evil no one can arrive before its eradication.
Warcraft I - human and orc
Warcraft: orcs and human
598 this year is Warcraft I started the year in the war disappeared nearly 20 months old great knight Lothar re-reproduction. from Northshire Abbey's Abbot in a place called Dead Mines saw Lothar knight seriously injured in the after treatment after a long, Lothar finally saved. At the same time in the survival of Darenor orc continent, Griselda (Blackhand's daughter) and an exile orc soldiers away from home with Turok. Blackhand greatly angry, and immediately sent Orgim Doomhammer to search for his daughter.
599 orc Thrall great hero was born.
600 Garona (a half Orcs who) assassinated King Llane, and her heart to the Gul''dan. Since then, due to Llane's son Prince Varian Wrynn Age is too small, the great Knight Lothar became a matter of course the new Azeroth mainland rulers and soon, a well-planned assassination operation Medivh began. Lothar (he was originally Medivh was a good friend) to Medivh and Khadgar quietly residence (Azeroth tall tower in the central mountains) embarked in attack at the same time, Medivh through the Twisting Nether sent to the distant wail of pain, but Gul''dan yet to see this replaced by Sargeras to enter into a great opportunity Medivh mind. Unfortunately, in Gul''dan into the mind soon after Medivh, Medivh it killed, which makes the poor Gul''dan into a long coma. Gul''dan lost the protection and guidance of the Blackhand has become extremely weak, has long been the heart of betrayal Orgrim Doomhammer immediately Rebellion,adidas Originals JS Teddy Bears, imprisoned Blackhand. After that, the Orcs of the world has become unstable, war rolling. Rend and Maim (Blackhand's sons) as part of the Orcs led soldiers with Doomhammer and Thrall's father Durotan start a protracted war in the battlefield,Adidas JS Teddy Bear Brown, Durotan died, poor little Thrall have been abandoned on the battlefield of human Lieutenant Blackmoore's examination of his back, and raised up as slaves Finally, Doomhammer gained a the leadership of the Orcs, and self-proclaimed Warchief.
602 Orcs in order to find the real secret, Doomhammer rummaged Darenor almost every stone on the continent. Garona also been tortured. Eventually,Jeremy Scott x adidas Originals Teddy Bear Brown, she said out all the secrets of the Shadow Council, and had played a secret life.
603 poor Gul''dan finally woke up, exhausted his energy, he has also been captured and forced to obey in Doomhammer Doomhammer's rule. Soon after, Orcs destroyed Stormwind keep,Adidas Jeremy Scott b, and declared the mainland Azeroth and Khaz Modan property of their all. Lothar was forced to Azeroth with the human population on the mainland across the sea to flee to Lordaeron. where, lothar met Lordaeron King Terenas and the other six countries, the human king and decided to form a powerful alliance of human beings.
Warcraft II-Kuroshio
Warcraft2: Tides of Darkness
604 wars since the human and orc start, this is the sixth years. Orcs made a powerful navy, and by them through the sea, came to the Lordaeron continent, and another man face to face confrontation began. Warcraft II Tides of Darkness the story from the this started. Orcs invaded the success of Lordaeron, and destroyed the Elven homeland. the power of the mind through the use of the devil way, Nekros Skullcrusher (Dragonmaw factions under a powerful warlock) control of the flight of the Dragon Queen Alexstraza, and forced her to animal family raising a dragon this time, the king of the dragon Deathwing is also the name of his wishful thinking, he plans to soon to re-establish it using Alexstraza ovaries in order to regain in the future, the rule of the mainland of Azeroth. for peace, Lothar with his troops to go and Doomhammer Darenor negotiations, but, unfortunately, he fell into the trap of being designed in one Blackrock Spire, they have been subjected to the attack in this battle, Lothar died heroically. At this time, Gul''dan began his tomb of Sargeras (Sargeras, was with the local prison) adventures in the find, after he inadvertently released the old Daemonlord. In order to test for Warlocks their loyalty, Doomhammer ordered them to Gul''dan killed in a collapse (a story for this is how I can not read, orc world good, but there are some internal strife, how's it ... for no reason) as magician Rhonin and two other heroes Vereesa, Falstad's success rescue, Dragon Queen Alexstraza finally escape from the Orcs out of control, which makes the other four have time to stop the dragon Deathwing want to control the entire continent of Azeroth secret plot on the other hand, the Alliance has finally driven the Orcs the Azeroth continent. Khadgar has even destroyed the Dark Portal also, however, no matter what, to connect the mainland Azeroth and Darenor two channels still exist. In order to prevent the channel once again open, the Alliance built in the channel near a military Stronghold: Nethergarde. Still later, Llane son Varian Wrynn has finally grown up, he inherited the throne and re-construction of Stormwind Keep (which is now New stormwind).
605 after the defeat Orcs, those human beings prisoners of war or as slaves, or to put into a prison. imprisoned human hope a good way to change the Orcs stand nature. Doomhammer with Blackrock, Dragonmaw, Black Tooth Grin Corps captured together. orc army in the Burning Blade is also full been eliminated. Only Bleeding Hollow Army eventually fled the human hunt.
Warcraft II-Hellgate
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
606 while a strange undercurrent rolled over the entire Black Morass At the same time, under the control of the mysterious fortress Nethrgarde channel opened again in the fortress of the magician or even heard footsteps advancing troops there came from the channel.
get away with in the last war the Bleeding Hollow Army took the opportunity through the channel back to Darenor mainland once again, the name of the person opening the Dark Portal called Ner''zhul (Shadow Moon Corps general, who is also the continent's other Legion Draenor leader) In order to completely destroy the beast family, sent troops into the mystery of human channels at the same time, Ner''zhul also sent his army came to the mainland Azeroth find three things: the book of Medivh, the Jeweled Sceptor of Sargeras, the Eye of Dalaran. The purpose is to open more channels to connect the mainland. to destroy the Dark Portal, the Alliance also needs the book of Medivh and Gul''dan skull these two things in, respectively, and a large dragon Deathwing from Ner''zhul recapture of Medivh After the book and Gul''dan bones, Khadgar destroyed the Dark Portal final forever, however, the story is far from over, Ner''zhul from Medivh's book has received enough information to build a new channel. However, in this artificial channel open on the occasion, Darenor continent began to split off from the skeleton. Daronor from the collapse of the world. Ner''zhul and his troops entered the channel, and those who did not enter the channel to leave the poor orc Darenor people only waiting for the inevitable death of human heroes that have been unable to save the world, but also immediate access to the channel back to Azeroth mainland.
607 human alliance with those in the war to escape Ner''zhul orc soldiers assembled together again. In addition, there are some scattered orc army to escape the fury of the Alliance and hid in a hunt for the vast wilderness.
Warcraft Adventures - King
Warcraft clan Adventures: Lord of the clans
620 Thrall aware of the pain as a slave, in a successful escape from the slavery of his human, he began a journey to find their own home, he successfully put those scattered orc army together, and led them to declare war on the Alliance. Not only that, he also convened Doomhammer, Korgath Bladefist, Kilrogg Deadeye and other legendary heroes into a team to join the battle with the humans go.
621 Human League in the second After the war, the defeat of the Orcs in how to deal with this problem had a disagreement, this time for the Orcs
large-scale re-build, it is debated and finally, into a quarrel within the bloody massacre.
Thrall commander called the orc war is to control them from the Burning Legion in the rescue of the hero.
Warcraft III-Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III
624 humans and animals by the Burning Legion fighting each other and weakening family occasion, launched an attack on the mainland Azeroth in the waves of flames across the sky, the terrible Burning Legion finally came to Azeroth this piece of their dream on the continent has been long, long time. Ner ' 'zhul,Adidas JS Wings 2.0, in the mysterious Twisting Nether to find his own strength. and was turned into a new generation of the Burning Legion and Scourge race Lich Lord (that is, some sites said the family was dead) leader. Huai with anger and hatred, with the Burning Legion once again he came to Azeroth mainland, hoping to forever and ever in one fell swoop the human and orc wiped off from the mainland Azeroth at the same time, felt the humans and Orcs from secretive power a huge threat, always ready to meet this ambitious and the most ever in a brutal war.
whomrw05 09.01.2012 0 478

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